Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA-CRX) or PRA is a gathering of degenerative sicknesses that influence these photoreceptor cells. With this sickness, the cells disintegrate over the long run, at last prompting visual deficiency in the impacted feline.


This is an autosomal passive condition, meaning two duplicates of the change are expected for the cats to lose their vision. Dam and sire must both be carreirs to create impacted posterity. Transporters have one duplicate of the transformation. Transporters are not impacted and have ordinary vision.


  • Dilated pupils

  • Inability to see clearly in bright light

  • In some conditions, only central vision may be lost and the cat may still retain peripheral vision

  • The pupil (opening of the eye) has abnormal reactions to light

  • The retinal structure appears abnormal when a doctor examines it with an ophthalmoscope; cataract may be observed

  • The liver may also be affected, obesity may be observed


The retina is the tissue that lines the inward surface of the eye, and is the light delicate piece of the eye that goes about as the cerebrum’s camera, sending pictures through the poles and cones that are important for its design, in this way empowering the experience of vision. The retina is important for the focal sensory system (CNS) and the main piece of the CNS that can be effortlessly imaged and inspected. In retinal degeneration, the cells of the retina start to decrease in work, along these lines prompting hindered vision or even visual impairment. There are many reasons for retinal degeneration.


A solitary nucleotide change in the quality called CEP290 produces a deficient protein which is related with this dynamic retinal decay (PRA) in the feline. Notwithstanding Abyssinian, Somali and Ocicat, a review of 43 feline varieties showed presence of the CEP290 change in numerous different varieties including, American Curl, American Wirehair, Bengal, Balinese/Javanese, Colorpoint Shorthair, Cornish Rex, Munchkin, Oriental Shorthair, Peterbald, Siamese, Singapura and Tonkinese. The high recurrence of the CEP290 change in Siamese (around 33%) and related breeds (Oriental Shorthair, Balinese/Javanese, Colorpoint Shorthair, Peterbald) represents a critical wellbeing risk in the Siamese variety bunch.